Nicely done. Prof. Stokes did a shamefully dishonest job rife with emotional fatwood.
My only complaint is that you missed an opportunity to point the readers' focus at the source of the problem, as it cannot be overstated or too often repeated: the modern, complex technologies which require the sacrifice of the untamed natural world while also separating mankind from Nature.
As you note, "Unless we dramatically curb our consumption of the planet’s resources, life on Earth as we know it is doomed." While it may be possible to devise a means to accomplish the 'curb on consumption' through technology - a "re-education" program to gain compliance for recycling and minimal consumption, etc., or a Stasi-esque citizenry policing itself and overseen by a managerial class, or robots and A.I. doing so less obtrusively - such would clearly abridge freedoms and not at all stop the eradication of Nature. In all likelihood, the advancement of Tech will compel the judgement that less of the natural world is needed and can be supplanted by Tech or placed under technological control ("caretaking" in Newspeak) until all that remains are the zoos of a few chosen (and cloned) animals and plants, showcased to the few humans deemed necessary or non-threatening to the automated technological society.
TECHNOLOGY MUST BE VANQUISHED.Have hope, invest effort, make revolution.